Global colors

There are 2 options to customize Finder global colors:

  1. Customize global colors via Sass variables
  2. Replace global colors in CSS

Customize global colors via Sass variables

In case you want to create your own color scheme - the fastest and painless way to do that is via Sass variables.

Simply copy necessary variable from Finder/assets/scss/_variables.scss file and paste to Finder/assets/scss/_user-variables.scss, then compile new theme.min.css file either using Prepros or Gulp.

Blelow is the screenshot of the part of Sass variables file responsible for global colors:

Sass Variables

Replace global colors in CSS

This is the hardest way to do things done. I don't recommend it but if you prefer vanilla CSS you can replace all color hex values inside Finder/assets/css/theme.min.css with your own using "find and replace" panel of you code editor. Refer to the image above as a guidance.
